The Skills Bank is an exciting new service which invests in skills and expertise to drive business growth.
Working with you to identify how new skills can help to grow your business we can connect you to high quality training providers that can meet your needs.
Thanks to Sheffield City Region Growth funding and European Social Fund monies, the skills bank can invest in your workforce.
Key features of the Skills Bank include:
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Sheffield Hallam University can help a business to develop a flexible and skilled workforce that can adapt to change. The University has a proven track record in training staff with the latest skills and knowledge. From low-cost, low-commitment events to tailored courses, they can offer the training and professional development that a business requires.
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The University of Sheffield offers a wide range of professional training and development courses to help you or your staff maintain and update their knowledge and skills. Many of their courses are accredited by professional bodies. The University runs a number of short courses that provide highly focused training for professionals wishing to gain specialist knowledge and skills quickly. All the CPD courses are taught by experienced and internationally recognised experts from the University and industry.
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The Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) has a dedicated Training Centre which provides the skills that manufacturing companies need to compete globally, from apprenticeship through to doctorate and MBA level.
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Semta develops innovative solutions and programmes to equip employers of all sizes with the skills their businesses need for future growth and competitiveness.
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University Technical College, Sheffield (UTC) offers a dynamic, career-focused and supportive learning environment working in partnership with a wide range of local employers. It specialises in Engineering & Manufacturing and Creative & Digital Media.
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The Sheffield College Business Gateway is the first point of contact for employers and offers a wide range of courses and qualifications aimed at the world of work and industry.
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Chesterfield College’s service for businesses is called Learning Unlimited. It provides training, apprenticeships and recruitment services.
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Doncaster College and University Centre offers a range of workplace training and apprenticeships.
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Rotherham College of Arts and Technology offers engineering apprenticeships as well as other business related training.
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Barnsley College offers engineering and business and management apprenticeships, as well as other services for businesses.
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For employers interested in making links with education, the following organisations are useful:
STEMNET creates links between employers with educators to tackle the STEM skills shortage. By enthusing young people about STEM, employers can help to develop the creativity, problem-solving and employability skills of young people and widen the understanding and awareness of STEM careers with the next generation of UK employees.
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The Work-Wise Foundation is an independent charity linking employers and schools. It is an employer inspired and led initiative for engineering, manufacturing and related sectors to support the development of young people so that they have the knowledge, skills, aptitude and opportunities for employment in the Sheffield City Region.
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An independent registered charity whose mission is to encourage young people to fulfil their potential through careers in science, engineering and technology. A leading national provider of work related learning programmes targeting 12-21 year olds, bringing companies and universities together with schools and students to work on real projects. All EDT schemes are members of the Royal Academy of Engineering’s Best Programme.
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The Manufacturing Forum is an initiative of the Chambers of Commerce of Sheffield, Doncaster and Barnsley & Rotherham, The Company of Cutlers, Made in Sheffield and Make UK. It is managed by The Company of Cutlers of Hallamshire, the Voice of Manufacturing Sheffield & South Yorkshire.
© 2024 The Company of Cutlers of Hallamshire